Why Select Us

We represent you

First and foremost we represent YOU. We take into consideration every detail that your clients have asked of you or that you have promised them. 

At all times we promote YOUR BRAND and YOUR interests.

We go out of our way to make sure your clients have a great tour and that you get the credit for its success. CLICK here for details on how we represent you. 


A guide can make or break a tour, so we apply a rigorous process in the selection and training of our guides. Deep and broad knowledge is only a starting point. We also look for a person with excellent personal skills; someone who enjoys the work and is service-orientated; someone organised and has integrity. We also like Guides who know how to improvise and seek out a spontaneous experience that the clients will enjoy. 

When selecting a guide for particular clients we look to understand what they are interested in and what their expectations are. We always seek to seek the right match. 

Our Ethos

To prepare the right kind of tour that suits your clients 
To assign the right guide
To deliver the best service and attention for your clients. 
To be well organised, 
To attend to every detail
To work hard
To always go the extra mile
To plan carefully 
To Deliver what we promise.

Custom Designed Itinerary

We design each and every itinerary with the client in mind. We take into account the background of the clients, what they are interested in, the age range, the food they like, the experiences they are looking for and much more.